Letter to Donor

Published: November 15, 2023

Author: Minh Do

Dear anonymous heroes,

First of all, let me introduce myself. I’m Minh Do, an international student from Vietnam who is currently pursuing the 3+2 engineering program at Greenville University.

I was born and raised in Vietnam. Since primary school, I had dreamed about studying abroad. It just felt phenomenal to think about going somewhere afar and exploring a lot. But the financial limitation caused me to filter out the possibility of good opportunities that I could have. However, with the international scholarship I received from GU, I was able to join the engineering program and pursue higher education here in the United States.

Letter to Donor

Growing academically

Many professors here are some of the best teachers I have ever had in my life. They are extremely caring and inspiring. I see their passion for the subject they are teaching, and I see their excitement while explaining things to their students. Dr. Peters, who I have for Calculus 2 and Differential Equations, is the most passionate professor. I enjoy hearing real-life applications and his life story incorporated into the material. His visualization of the problems is always on point. Best learning experience ever!

Grow spiritually

Here at GU, there are many opportunities for students to grow spiritually and mentally. My all-time favorite spiritual formation group, Better Together, has the most in-depth discussions. We break down universal terms into reflective conversations and ask questions from multiple perspectives. I have never challenged my perspective that much; those conversations really expand my point of view on terms that seem black and white.

I used to wonder if the experience here is worth the distance between Vietnam and the States, but GU proves that it is worth it. Without the scholarship that brought me here, I would not be able to test out so much equipment and chemicals in the lab; I would not have been able to go full speed on watercraft during All College Hike; I would not have been able to present my summer research work on machine learning during GU’s Homecoming this past October. GU has contributed largely to the formation of the person I am right now, and I am forever grateful for what the university has offered me.

Letter to Donor

I never imagined myself to be in such a position with so many life-changing experiences and meaningful connections. I notice there are many ‘I would never have’ phrases in this letter, but I really want you to know that I am having extraordinary experiences, making remarkable memories, and making real changes to my life through the support from you - generous givers.

Thank you for the new opportunities that you create,

Minh Do

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