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Master time management: Stress-free guide for college students

Published: May 01, 2024

Author: Minh Do

Are you having trouble with your routine? Do day and night seem to mix up and you don’t know how all your work can be done on time? Being a college student is a daunting job with hard assignments, part-time jobs, social events, paying bills and running errands. Get back to an energized routine with these time management tips:

Master time management: Stress-free guide for college students

  • When are you most efficient?

Determine what time of the day is the most productive for you. Are you a morning bird or a night owl? When do you find yourself in the mood for studying and handling tasks?

You should prioritize doing hard workload during this time frame as your most productive self will get it out of the way quickest. Don’t try to do that math problem in the afternoon if you tend to get sleepy right after school. You can go exercise, organize your room, or find something active to get you through that sleepy time until your brain clicks back on.

  • The 3-Second Rule

It basically means if you think of something you have to do, take 3 seconds to get up and initiate the action immediately! Counting down 1, 2, 3, stop thinking and begin your first step.

This will stop you from conjuring up excuses for not doing something. Once you start doing your task, motivation and productivity takes place right away.

I often scroll for hours on my phone without starting to do the work. With this 3-second rule, I stand up, turn off my phone, and jump into my assignment. This has saved me from missing the due date as I often procrastinate till the very last minute.

Master time management: Stress-free guide for college students

  • Pomodoro 25:5

This time method must be familiar to you, one of the most viral study tips during the global pandemic. A “pomodoro” is a period of time you dedicate to work. You work for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, then repeat the cycle until you reach your designated productivity.

It is recommended that after 4 pomodoros, you reward yourself with a 15-30 minute break.

Pomodoro breaks down any complex projects into smaller pieces that you can gradually handle. The 5 minute break helps freshen your brain for another 25 minutes of work while still keeping you in the working mood.

There are many Youtube videos that set a pomodoro timer for you to follow through with a ringing sound indicating break or a new cycle. A Youtube pomodoro video, a study-vibe playlist, and a strawberry drink is all I need for a long study session.

  • No more half-work!

Defined by James Clear, #1 New York Times bestselling author, half-work is the division of your time and energy when doing something. For instance, imagine writing an essay, then stopping for no reason just to check Instagram stories. The result is that you never fully engage in your tasks, taking up more time and even lowering the work quality.

Eliminate all distractions. Turn off your notifications. Put your phone away. You will be amazed by how quickly you finish doing the work. Choose your focus!

I really hope these tips can help you navigate your college life and turn this once-in-a-life-time period into unforgettable memories! Please be realistic and flexible with your own schedule and remember that it is totally fine to have an occasional unproductive day because after all, we are human beings, not machines.

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