
Christianity Today Publishes Wayman Interview With Theologian Justo González

Published: April 13, 2021

A shared meal and cups of coffee set a welcoming stage for conversation about theological education between GU Professor of Theology Ben Wayman and church historian Justo Gonzlez (pictured beow). As one subject flowed into another, the two journeyed through a lot of territorypast and present failings of theology education, the good work of the Hispanic Theological Initiative, Gonzlezs Story of Christianity, and more.

A recent Christianity Today article, Justo Gonzlez: Seminaries Need More Latinos, captures the exchange that inclChristianity Today Publishes Wayman Interview With Theologian Justo Gonzálezuded Gonzlezs focus on developing agencies and systems to support the theological education of Hispanics.

Exploring Effective Partnerships: Christian Universities and the Church

The interview was one of several that Wayman conducted as part of his sabbatical work speaking with internationally renowned Christian leaders and exploring how a Christian university might best partner with the church in the 21st century.

Other interviewees included former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, Samuel Wells, and Emilie Townes. Wayman also spoke with Josu Fajardo, area director for Free Methodist work in Europe, and Free Methodist Bishops Linda Adams, Keith Cowart, and Matt Whitehead.

Apuntes plans to publish an article by Wayman that dives more deeply into his conversation with Gonzlez. Plans also call for The Christian Centuryto feature a synthesis of Waymans conversations with the theologians and a proposal for theological education moving forward.

Ben Wayman, professor of theology at Greenville University, also fills the Andrews Chair in Christian Unity at GU. He is the author ofMake the Words Your Own: An Early Christian Guide to the Psalms(Paraclete Press, 2014),Ordaining Women: New Edition with an Introduction and Notes(Wipf & Stock, 2015) also in a Spanish editionLa ordenacin de la mujer(Light+Life, 2018), andDiodore the Theologian(Brepols, 2014).

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